Gender re-pricing plans are well underway at Bright Grey and Scottish Provident headquarter with online adviser support.
Bright Grey has provided a specific online FAQ section and Scottish Provident has developed a website focusing on the industry change.
Roger Edwards, proposition director of Bright Grey and Scottish Provident, said the aim was to remind advisers of ‘G-day' and offer more support.
He said: "With six months to go until the European Court of Justice (ECJ) gender directive is implemented, we are confident the gender directive will not affect our underwriting in any way.
"Policies must have started by 20 December 2012 to qualify for gender-differentiated rates, so we will not offer our usual pipeline process. We are testing systems before putting together a definitive plan for cases in pipeline on 21 December 2012."
Edwards added it would inform advisers of this more nearer the time.
"One thing which we can't do, for competitive reasons, is to give advance examples of what prices will be after G-Day," he said.
"It is worth reiterating that we hope women, in particular, take advantage of our current pricing plans before the gender directive comes into force."