International insurance provider William Russell has released a redefined Global Health plan range for 2013, focussing on wellbeing.
Allianz Worldwide Care has enhanced its individual healthcare plans, adjusted premiums and added new online support tools for health and wellness.
AXA PPP International has launched a new website for members, prospective members and intermediaries.
COVER recently held a breakfast briefing on international private medical insurance (IPMI) to explore the emerging developments in the sector.
Nearly half of businesses see a future in overseas expansion, Expacare has found. However, the international PMI provider also found significant barriers remained.
International PMI is a huge growth area but many advisers are reluctant to engage, a large advisory firm has said.
Breaking into international PMI can be complex and brokers need to be careful, an adviser warned at COVER's breakfast briefing yesterday.
AXA PPP International has introduced new benefit ‘add-ons' enabling individuals and SMEs to upgrade their cover within their current plan.
Aetna International is building an online international private medical insurance (IPMI) resource, allowing advisers to check PMI regulations and business hurdles on a global basis.
Consistently high margins in middle-eastern and Asian top hospitals are significant barriers in the otherwise buoyant international PMI market, IMG Europe has said.