The High Court has rejected a legal challenge to Worcestershire Council's "maximum expenditure policy" which will limit, on introduction, how much is spent on supporting a disabled adult in the community to that for equivalent provision in residential...
Think Local Act Personal, an alliance of over 30 national social care partners, has launched a set of tools to help improve the provision of information and advice available in social care. has launched a care cap calculator to help advisers and their clients make informed funding decisions.
The Government is electioneering and still failing to ensure the country is ready for an ageing society the Lords have said.
Over two thirds of people in the UK could live their retirement years in ill-health the International Longevity Centre (ILC) and Legal & General have told Government and public policy makers.
Symponia, is calling for the Coalition to start listening to the financial services profession who engage with the consultation paper ‘Caring for our future: implementing funding reform', which was published yesterday.
Partnership has welcomed an announcement from the Department of Health that it has launched a consultation on long-term care reforms.
The cost of dealing with the country's ageing population will increase government spending by about 4% of GDP - or £61bn in today's terms - by the 2060s, according to government projections.
The Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) has suggested that without effective support for the 57% of older people who fund all or part of their own care (‘self funders') the entire structure of social care is at risk.
Government care cap over the heads of many according to Saga