Between 2010 and 2050, the total number of older people with care needs, particularly those suffering from dementia, will nearly treble from 101 to 277 million across the world, a report has found.
Over the last five years some local authorities have been restricting home care and increasing costs above inflation, leading to a widening postcode lottery in care costs, a Which? Investigation has revealed.
Symponia, the national professional body for care fees planning advisers, has extended its Preferred Partners network to property related firms.
Partnership has applauded the Society of Later life Advisers' decision to widen its membership base.
Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) has taken a 'strategic decision' to accept all advisers who achieve the Later Life Adviser Accreditation [LLAA] as members.
An amendment to the Care Bill mandating local authorities to refer people approaching care to regulated financial advisers - a proposal originally thrown out by parliament - is to be re-submitted in revised form for consideration by MPs.
A quarter of Brits are relying on inheritance to fund their retirement yet do not realise that one million homes have been sold to pay for care fees in recent years, NFU Mutual has warned.
The average cost of a room in a care home is more than double the average pensioner income, representing a yearly shortfall of £14,568; new research has found.
Cornwall's residents may soon have to pay the full cost of their care, if they are assessed as able to afford it.
Bupa has expanded its services for older people by making a further step into the care village sector with the acquisition of Richmond Care Villages.