The government has rejected amendments to the Care Bill that would require councils to refer people with long-term care needs to regulated independent financial advisers.
Influential groups are lobbying for the cap on social care costs to be scrapped ahead of committee stage discussions in the House of Lords.
The health secretary has announced he is seeking views on a set of proposals to ‘radically improve' care for vulnerable older people.
Despite publicity around the cap on long-term care fees, members of the public continue to be confused by the detail of the reforms; according to research.
The government has published draft rules as a basis for consultation on reforming the ‘postcode lottery' of long-term care eligibility criteria.
The announcement of additional funding for local authorities to cope with long-term care reforms was ‘good news' but further savings and access to financial advice are needed, Partnership has said.
Over £3 billion a year will be spent on integrated health and social care, chancellor George Osborne pledged today in the 2013 Spending Review.
Most elderly people will be required to sell their homes in order to afford to fund care costs, according to care fees planning advisers.
More than a third of over-45s have underestimated the annual cost of a residential care home by over £7,000, Partnership has said.
LEBC Group has developed an advisory service in order to help people plan for their long-term care needs.