COVER editor gets philosophical about life, death and protection advice
Does the importance of early intervention and effective rehabilitation during absence outweigh the financial benefits of group income protection?
Customers don't care about medical definitions, they just want to know they are covered
How can life insurance trust innovation can help secure consumer confidence in today's highly competitive landscape?
Early conversations about end-of-life care are crucial to ensure individuals living longer can make their own decisions, however right-to-die approaches vary all over the world
Advisers are the key to unlocking enhanced interaction with policyholders
Disabled women face unique challenges within the workplace but group insurance can provide specific benefits to meet their needs and attract their skills
Old Mutual Wealth's Paul Roberts explores how insurers can reinstate or continue cover following a critical illness claim
Difficult-to-diagnose critical illnesses such as lupus can take years to confirm and misdiagnosis is common. How can we as an industry help ensure claims are paid?
Digital tools help health insurers prevent and manage disease, cut costs and gain a competitive advantage