Dilnot proposals will ease the long-term care funding gap but it will not remove it as a record number of care homes residents are continuing to pay for their own care, Laing & Buisson has stated.
The ‘real cost' for elderly care could be over £200,000 if government raise the care cap to £75,000, warns Partnership.
Since Andrew Dilnot published his Fairer Care Funding report in July 2011, much has been written and said about it by the press, by charities and by politicians on all sides.
Advisers should be asking about elderly parents in client fact finds, Partnership has said.
There has been very little clarity or certainty over funding in the social care White Paper response to the Dilnot report. What does this mean for financial services and its ability to support the gaping funding hole?
Coverage of the Government's response to the Dilnot Commission Report has been pretty negative because it has delayed a decision until the nest comprehensive spending review -Good says Richard walsh
The answer to long-term care funding issues is ongoing with the Dilnot review central to industry debate. The FSA has published final guidance stating a qualification in long-term care will not be required of independent intermediaries post-RDR - what...
The elderly and their families need to seek professional advice on long-term care funding, Partnership has urged.
Advisers and self-funders can be confident that the importance of long-term care financial advice has been recognised by the government, Partnership has stated.
The social care white paper has disappointed financially and offered no fresh approach, Symponia has stated.