The delay to the introduction of the care cap represents a ‘golden opportunity' for advisers, Symponia has said.
Social care budget reductions could lead to rising levels of unmet need a white paper from the International Longevity Centre-UK's Centre for Later Life funding has warned.
The first set of provisions from the Care Act 2014 have now come into force so that all carers can now get assessments for their needs and support.
The Financial Conduct Authority's business plan has failed to calculated the Dilnot cap correctly Kay Ingram, divisional director of LEBC Group has warned.
Partnership has responded to the figures from the union GMB showing that 10% of those in care will live long enough to activate the Dilnot cap.
Consumers may have to spend all or more of the value of their home before reaching the level of the care cap, research from Partnership has found.
The existing arrangements for health and social care should be replaced with a single structure, an independent review has urged.
Just Retirement has called on government to it make compulsory in the incoming Care and Support bill, that local authorities refer care funders to regulated financial advice.
The Dilnot report in July 2011 recommended a cap on individual care fee funding of £35,000 for individuals with assets of more than £100,000.
Labour has proposed a long-term care funding strategy whereby everybody will pay a compulsory charge, rather than just those needing care.