Aviva and Friends Life have launched a campaign to promote income protection called 'Income Protection Matters'.
The campaign has a new online hub for advisers with regularly updated content designed to help start conversations with clients, as well as offering tools and calculators.
The focus will be on the most common conditions which can affect ability work, including mental health conditions, and orthopaedic conditions.
These two combined accounted for half of income protection claims paid by Aviva, with 30% from mental health and 20% orthopaedic.
The campaign is designed to compliment Seven Families, Aviva and Friends Life are among the campaign's sponsors, and material related to it is within the hub.
Other tools help advisers and clients work out how long the client could manage financially without their salary.
Louise Colley, managing director, protection for Aviva said: "Making people aware of the real risk of not having any protection in place if they were to lose a main household income is an absolute priority.
"The figures are stark: the average UK household spends £1,503 a month3 and any Employment Support Allowance would only provide up to £125.05 a week.
"With the average saving pot being £1,7703, this would not provide financial security for very long if an income was lost through illness or injury.
"Our joint Aviva and Friends Life Income Protection Matters campaign has been designed to help advisers have important protection discussions with their clients about the reality of these risks; and to help them to work with their clients to determine the best income protection cover for their financial needs."
Further reading:
Friends Life adds counselling and carer support to policies
Aviva and Friends Life merger probed by FCA - report
Aviva CEO vows to double products sold to each customer