Implementing a cash plan could be vital in cutting down employee absence rates, particularly in the education sector, Simplyhealth has said.
Absence is costing on average £647 per employee per year and £300 per day in hiring supply teachers in this sector.
Simplyhealth said for the same price as employing one supply teacher to cover for one day, five members of staff can benefit from a health cash plan for a whole year.
Hilary Bright, director of HR Services at Norfolk Educational Services sad implementing a cash plan has had a significant impact on sickness absence.
She said: "Since the introduction of the Simply Cash Plan in 2008 we have noticed a reduction in the length of time a member of staff is absent. Together with other absence management tools we have seen a 24% reduction in sickness absence in City College Norwich, a large college of further education within the TEN Group, in the first four years of offering the plan."
Howard Hughes, head of employer marketing at Simplyhealth said: "It's important that organisations look at ways to help reduce sickness absence in the workplace which in turn can help to drive down costs.
"A health cash plan covers the cost of a wide range of everyday healthcare needs, such as visits to the dentist and the opticians as well as physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic treatments to manage musculoskeletal conditions. Cash plans also include employee assistance programmes which help to manage staff absence and employees are able to access a free, confidential helpline that provides support for issues relating to health and wellbeing and helps employers to fulfil their duty of care requirements."
He continued: "Health cash plans form part of an overall health and wellbeing programme which can help improve absence rates, and allow businesses to provide proactive solutions for staff to help them to manage their everyday health."