Advisers offering protection advice are in a "very small" minority, according to PG Mutual.
David Zerny, marketing manager at the friendly, who is currently studying to achieve the QCF level 4 diploma, said the general adviser response he had experienced regarding protection propositions had been luke warm.
He said: "The intention of the FSA with the RDR and QCF level 4 exam standards, seems to be for protection to be part of the toolkit. But from what I have heard from advisers when asked if they offer or would consider offering protection advice, the answer is usually no.
"It is a great shame. And the bigger question is what would incentivise advisers to offer it? I welcome the RDR changes but I would love to see protection given the same prominence in FSA requirements as investments and pensions."
Zerny said that the RDR changes seemed to be a rolling thing, adding: "I feel this is just the start. Protection could very well be more on the radar in the future."
He cited low commission levels and lack of consumer faith in insurers as other potential barriers to advisers offering protection in their propositions.
"Perhaps it needs to be obligatory for take-up to improve," Zerny added.