Canada Life has reduced the qualifying premium for group income protection (GIP) policyholders to receive its additional claims management service (CMS).
Clients in the £50,000 - £100,000 per year range will now be able to access its CMS Connect services.
Previously this was limited to those groups with premiums in excess of £75,000.
The provider says its CMS Connect facility provides five levels of contact for employers to support their claims submission, adjudication and ongoing management needs.
These five levels are:
• a head office claims management consultant,
• a claims management assistant,
• administration support,
• access to a UK-wide rehabilitation consultancy team;
• and overall service support from the manager of its claims management services.
Mike Newcombe, director of CMS at Canada Life, believes the service has seen improvements in claims experience and subsequent cost control resulting in sustained or improved premium rates.
"In turn, this has brought more confidence to the continued provision of GIP benefits," he said.
"By doubling the eligibility for access, and further utilising our head office specialist skills, this new development will enable us to significantly increase the number of schemes that we'll be handling."