Almost 80% of Britons are worried about the cost of healthcare and many are postponing or cancelling treatment as a result, according to new research.
It also reveals that two thirds of the population have cancelled or postponed treatment due to cost and nearly one in three have delayed healthcare for at least six months because they could not afford it.
With cuts to NHS care anticipated following the government's spending review, concern over the cost of healthcare is likely to increase further.
The research illustrates the true depth of concern many now have because of the costs associated with accessing healthcare treatment, coupled with widespread confusion as to what they will need to pay.
Health insurance provider undertook the study of 1,000 adults, which revealed ignorance as to which procedures and treatments were charged under the NHS.
A third of Britons did not know they had to pay for a dental check-up and almost a half (43 per cent) incorrectly thought eye tests were free.
Women were far more likely to be aware of the charges associated with certain treatments, but they were also more prone to worrying about the cost of healthcare and cancelling treatments as a result.
It also revealed that worry about healthcare costs is most widespread among the under 45s.
Paul Shires, sales and marketing director of, said: "Our research provides startling evidence that worry about the financial implications of accessing healthcare is widespread and endemic among the British population.
"What's more, many are delaying and even cancelling treatment because they are concerned about the cost. This is not only worrying from a financial perspective, but could arguably have a detrimental effect on the health of the nation," he added.