Advisers are lacking faith in the coalition's ability to bridge the funding gap for the UK's elderly, Symponia has revealed.
A third of ‘sandwich' carers who look after both younger and older relatives have struggled with meeting basic living costs and have identified an ‘advice gap'.
Partnership Assurance Group has set its offer price at 385p per share meaning its implied market capitalisation for its initial public offering (IPO) is £1.5bn.
LEBC Group has called on MPs to consider making long-term care advice fees VAT exempt.
Tenet has linked-up with online care services and retirement advice site,, to offer a range of financial support to those looking for ways to fund care.
Caring for older people at home will be vital to ease the pressure on Scotland's health and social care services, health secretary Alex Neil said today.
Law firm Farley Dwek has launched a ‘no fund, no fee' service which includes support from legal experts and nurses to help clients mitigate long-term care costs through NHS entitlement.
The elderly care system needs more money now and needs an independent review, according to Lord Warner, who drew up the initial plans for care home fees to be capped.
A teenager has been given permission to take Worcestershire County Council to a full Judicial Review over the use of a Maximum Expenditure Policy
Long term care adviser body Symponia has added a national home care group to its panel of preferred partners for clients.