Ellipse is about to bring the issue of service to the adviser into the forefront of the group protection industry. John Ritchie explains all to Paul Robertson.
Paul Robertson talks to Peter Le Beau of the IPTF's plans for a multi-disciplinary approach to IP in 2014.
Since the coalition came to power in 2010, Steve Webb has been charged with the task of implementing auto-enrolment (AE). Helen Morrissey spoke to the pensions minister about the first year of AE and further challenges.
Regular COVER columnist Richard Walsh reveals a colourful past in Whitehall as an NHS reformer and his views on the future of the protection market.
Smaller IFAs can reap the benefits of public relations. Linda Winder tells Paul Robertson how.
Thinking of implementing a social media strategy? Paul Robertson asks John Barnes for a few pointers.
Can protection be underwritten solely through telemetrics and big data? Darren Spriggs believes it can and explains all to Paul Robertson.
Zurich's retail protection proposition manager makes his case for you to attend this year's COVER Forum
john Ritchie, CEO of Ellipse makes his point why you should attend this year's COVER Forum.
As the Care and Support Bill prepares for the House of Lords, Paul Robertson meets Partnership mananging director Chris Horlick for an update.