Scottish Widows' Johnny Timpson tells Fiona Murphy the protection sector must do more to demostrate its value and explains how the industry can fill the gaps in welfare provision
Life offices must improve how they support general financial advisers. Plan Money's Pete Chadborn explains the issues to Fiona Murphy
As LifeSearch's link to protection providers, Emma Thomson sees good things on the horizon. She tells all to Fiona Murphy
Unum is moving its focus from straight protection sales to an holistic look at employee wellbeing. Paul Robertson asks Marco Forato to explain why
Claire Ginnelly, of Premier Choice Group, tells Paul Robertson about her role in successfully managing the jump between adviser and insurer.
Rhys Williams works with providers on client engagement, a subject that, Paul Robertson finds, has rather a lot of adviser overlap.
As one of the organisers of the new Seven Families initiative, Roy McLoughlin's mission statement is clear: he wants to raise the profile of income protection. He tells Paul Robertson about IPTF's plans to get the word out.
Perhaps more often thought of as a protection provider, Exeter Family Friendly is a major player in the PMI market with serious growth plans. Paul Robertson discusses the changing market with Mike O'Brien.
Clunky underwriting processes may be a thing of the past as new technology is applied. Paul Robertson speaks to Martin Werth about his UnderwriteMe system.
Westfield Health's Paul Shires talks to Paul Robertson and makes the case for more adviser engagement with the health products market.