The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) think tank has applauded the government's first year of welfare reform calling it "an impressive start".
MPs have condemned some of the coalition's most controversial plans for welfare reform and called for them to be scrapped in two early day motions (EDMs).
The government has vowed to press ahead with reform of the welfare state as its latest statistics show less than a quarter of those applying for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) are successful.
MPs have launched an enquiry into the migration from Incapacity Benefits to Employment Support Allowance (ESA), including the Work Capability Assessment (WCA).
The government is aware a considerable expansion in the group income protection market (GIP) is one option for its review of the welfare and sickness absence system.
LifeSearch has called on the ABI and Treasury to halt the European Court of Justice's (ECJ) "ignorant" ruling to ban gender-based underwriting.
LifeSearch has revealed it arranged £4bn worth of cover and saw a 10% increase in the number of under 35-year-olds who took out protection products last year.
Unum has warned that the Welfare Reform Bill will mean benefits are harder to come by while the Citizen's Advice Bureau (CAB) claims reforms are unfair to the sick.
Disability campaigners have hit back at government plans that will see banks pay less than disabled people to cut the national deficit.
The Government has announced an independent review into sickness absence in the workplace.