Only a quarter (24%) of people applying for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) are found sick or disabled enough to be awarded the benefit, according to latest government statistics.
Any new legislation implementing private sector involvement in supporting the welfare state will not happen until a potential second term, according to the ABI.
More than half of Britons do not think they need to buy extra insurance because of the government's welfare reforms and big society agenda, new research has found.
Unum is challenging six UK bloggers to live on Employment Support Allowance (ESA) for one week to highlight the importance of workers protecting their income.
Benefit claimants will be fined instantly if they negligently give wrong information on their claim.
Government and the protection industry must seize this window of opportunity if the welfare reform agenda is to succeed, a Group Risk Development (Grid) roundtable has concluded.
Jobcentre Plus staff have revealed ‘serious reservations' about a nationwide roll-out the reassessment of incapacity benefit claimants for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).
Only 5% of Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) benefit recipients move back into work although the threat of sanctions is working, according to a government report.
Benefit claimants face reduced payments if they fail to perform certain work-related activities, according to new regulations which come into force today.
The National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) will not provide a gateway to the selling of protection products, according to think tank Reform.