The Prime Minister has dealt a severe blow to the private medical insurance (PMI) industry's hopes of receiving tax relief to encourage public take up.
GRiD, the trade organisation for the Group Risk industry, has called for a National Insurance reduction for firms with Group Income Protection Schemes.
With a low penetration and a tangible benefit, David Casson points out that childcare vouchers can be a profitable product in the IFA's range
My client Alan owns a building company that employs 47 people. He already has death in service insurance for his employees, and I'm trying to convince him of the need for an employee income protection (IP) policy. What are the arguments to extend this...
As the National Health Service comes under increasing financial strain, and the economic costs of sickness become more apparent, Michael Payne, outlines the part private medical insurance (PMI) could play through a restructure of current taxation rules...