I don't know about you, but every year always starts with the best of intentions. And then here we are - by March my healthy eating, low alcohol and exercise regime has been replaced by quick ‘ping' meals, wine o'clock, and my gym stuff is somewhere under a pile of laundry that has appeared from nowhere.
Like most people, I find it hard to find time to look after me - and if I did find the time - where should I start?
This is where the short digital health questionnaire created by our wellbeing partner, LiveSmart, can help. Once a customer has taken out a menu plan with us, they can register with LiveSmart and complete their short questionnaire. Then they'll receive LifeSmart's personalised health assessment, which turns the answers provided on diet, exercise, habits and mental health into an easy-to-understand personalised health report by ‘joining the dots'. It gives our customers actionable recommendations aimed at improving health and preventing the development of disease, personalised based on the information they provided. Customers are then directed and given access to other wellbeing services where health conditions can be diagnosed, or further treated. By doing this, the health check helps an individual to seek further support to improve their wellbeing, when they may not otherwise have done so.
By providing information on health and disease prevention, everyone gets some benefit. Sometimes diagnostic testing alone can provide false reassurance to those individuals who have a "clean bill of health" currently, but could be jeopardising their future health through unhealthy habits - for example, smoking, heavy alcohol consumption or inactivity.
LiveSmart's health report gives our customers suggestions on the lifestyle areas they need to work on, and signposts them to the wellbeing services that can help them the most. And if they find they have a few health issues they want to address, they can make an appointment with a virtual GP (through our partner HealthHero) at a time that suits them, to discuss the outcome of their health report in more detail and get guidance on how to start making positive changes to their lifestyle.
When your clients choose to take out a Royal London menu plan, they can use our Helping Hand support service to access LiveSmart's health assessment plus a range of online early care medical services. And we've hand-picked our wellbeing partners by focusing on types of support that will help make the biggest difference to their lives - so they have the advice they need to improve their wellbeing and to stay fit and healthy.
Helping Hand is there for your clients, whichever stage in life they're at, and as a plan owner it doesn't cost them anything extra to use.
To find out more about the range of online wellbeing services available, and how these can benefit your clients, visit adviser.royallondon.com/helpinghand
Helping Hand is a package of support services and each service is provided by third parties that aren't regulated by either the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority. These services aren't part of our terms and conditions and don't form part of your insurance contract with us, so can be amended or withdrawn at any time. This means that you or your family's access to these services could be amended or withdrawn by us in the future.
This post is funded by Royal London