Public Health England (PHE) is aiming to change the national conversation on health by moving the focus from sickness services to prevention and wellbeing.
In a new policy paper, the organisation set out its intentions for the Health and Wellbeing Framework, which is launching in 2014.
The framework is aiming to use PHE role as a national body for public health to get people talking about health and wellbeing, rather than illness.
Its additional aims are as follows:
• to model likely future health needs under different scenarios
• share the evidence and provide clear advice of the most effective interventions based on the evidence
• influence and assist decision-makers, and work with partners to protect and support health and wellbeing in the most effective ways, creating a movement for change
• reduce health inequalities by setting out a case for change and helpful, practical interventions for implementation
The government said it hopes to answer 4 key questions that relate to the 4 main sections of the framework.
These include key messages around health, how to visually communicate factors that affect health and wellbeing, the most important risk factors or health conditions it should focus on, and how it should evidence of public health interventions.
The organisation is asking stakeholders and interested parties to give their thoughts HERE