Zurich has revealed it paid out 94% of critical illness (CI) claims in the first half of 2013.
In total claims were paid to the value of £34.5m. This is an improvement on the same period last year where 90% of claims were paid worth £32.7m.
Between January and June 2013, Zurich paid out to 409 customers compared to 411 for the same period in 2012.
Just 5% of claims were declined because the definition of the applicant's condition was not met - compared to 7.5% during H1 2012.
Less than 1% (0.7) of claims were declined for non-disclosure of medical information compared to 1.5% in the same period last year.
The largest claim paid out over the period was for £1m. While the top 4 reasons for claims were cancer (60%), heart attack (11%), stroke (10%) and multiple sclerosis (6%).
Rhys Dudding, European chief claims officer at Zurich said: "Work across the industry, with advisers and our customers, to simplify claims and stress the importance of sharing as much information as possible when buying a policy, is paying off - with fewer claims being declined.
"The chance of developing a critical illness before the age of 65 is around 1 in 5 - so we cannot stress enough the importance of putting the right financial protection in place."
Zurich publishes both annual and six monthly CI claims statistics and last year paid out £59.9m in claims.