This is the last week to comment on what should be covered by the cross-government long term conditions strategy - the deadline for comments is 15 June.
The strategy, which is for England only, is designed to describe how to see improvements in the lives of people with long term conditions. It will apply to England only.
The Department said the content of the strategy will not focus solely on health issues.
It said: "We would like to hear from people with long term conditions, carers, health professionals, commissioners, local authorities and the voluntary sector.
"The content of the strategy will not be confined to health issues. It will also cover other aspects of people's lives that can be affected by long term conditions and bring together departments across central government to sign up to shared aims."
The Department is shortly to begin drafting a paper, with plans to publish towards the end of this year.
Bernd Sass, Policy and External Relations Manager at Disability Rights UK, said: "Involving people in decisions about their care can make the key difference to more positive health outcomes - as emphasised in the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
"Little things such as extending the time spent on the planning of support can reduce the demand on more costly care, just because people have been involved at an early stage and feel good about that.
"So it is right that the long term conditions strategy opens up to a more holistic life course approach. But this has to go alongside a much deeper cultural change in social care and the NHS."