"Do you have a Plan B?" - PG Mutual


PG Mutual Friendly Society has unveiled a new advertising campaign emphasising the need for people to think about their position should they become incapacitated.

With surveys suggesting that nine out of 10 UK workers do not have any income protection cover in place to provide them with an alternative income if they could not work due to illness or injury, the Society, which specialises in offering Holloway style income protection to healthcare professionals, is asking "Do you have a Plan B?."

With state sickness benefit only worth around £300 a month (.£67.50 a week), PG Mutual's new advertising campaign emphasises the need for people to think about their own Plan B.

Mike Perry, CEO of PG Mutual, said: "In the current economic climate, at a time when everyone is acutely aware of rising living costs, we want to encourage healthcare professionals to ask themselves "Have I got a Plan B?" Our members can then rest assured that they have their Plan B in place".

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