Aegon launches free IP physiotherapy trial

clock • 1 min read

Aegon has launched a six month physiotherapy pilot for income protection and waiver of premium customers who suffer from a musculo-skeletal condition.

Customers suffering symptoms including back pain, joint injuries or repetitive strain injury will be offered a free three to six week physiotherapy programme depending on the severity of their condition, helping them to return to work sooner.

The service is provided by Rehabworks - a specialist provider of return to work treatment services that have a network of physiotherapists throughout the UK - and will be complimentary to any NHS treatment received.

Additional advice and guidance will also be offered.

Matt Rann, group head of underwriting and claims at Aegon, says: "A musculoskeletal condition is one of the most common reasons for a customer making a claim, and by providing this rehabilitation service free of charge to our customers we are giving them the best possible chance of returning to part-time or full time employment quicker.

"The physiotherapist will call our customer at a time convenient to them and discuss the most appropriate course of action suitable for them.

"Once the defined period of physiotherapy has finished the results will be sent to both the claims assessor and their GP who will agree the best way forward," he added.

The physiotherapy course will not be compulsory for customers with a musculoskeletal condition and refusal to participate will not affect the decision of a claim being met.

During the initial six-month pilot Aegon will assess the success of the programme in helping people to return to work, and then hope to roll out the service permanently.

For more information financial advisers can contact their sales consultant or visit the provider's ‘Understanding claims' website at


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