The Association of Medical Insurance Intermediaries (Amii) has announced 500 people have now passed the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII)/AMII IF7 private medical insurance (PMI) exam.
It also revealed that a 200 have purchased the course book and are studying towards the exam.
As COVER reported, the organisation has recently furthered its partnership with the CII by developing a Health and Protection qualification, including the IF7 exam as one module.
Andrew Tripp, chairman of Amii, said he was thrilled with the response to the IF7 exam.
"We are delighted so many people have embraced the drive to professionalism by taking the IF7 exam," he said.
"Insurers and healthcare intermediaries alike are taking up the education challenge.
"As their contemporaries see that happening they too will find it harder and harder to make excuses not to follow suit.
"Already we are building on the continuing success of the exam with the development of a full Health and Protection Qualification to come later in the year," he added.
The 500th candidate to pass the exam, John Davidson of Ringrose Grimsley, said he was pleased to have passed the first attempt.
"I did the exam because I believe it is important to keep one's knowledge up to date," he added.