The Association of Medical Insurers and Intermediaries (Amii) has appointed Stuart Scullion, managing director of The Private Health Partnership as its new chairman.
Wayne Pontin, managing director of Positively Healthcare stepped down after three years as chairman of Amii.
The appointment was announced at the Amii AGM held in Milton Keynes at Stadium MK, along with other appointments and an election for a third insurer representative.
The election was won by Mike Wagg, head of intermediary sales at Simplyhealth.
Amii will also have a new treasurer, Paul Swanson, commercial director at Healthwise, taking over from Graeme Godfrey, managing director of Best Go Private.
Larry Bulmer, CEO of ADVO Group Ltd and Dave Middleton, CEO of Portus Consulting Ltd have joined the Amii executive replacing Hazel Gregory, managing director of Medical Insurance Services, and Sue Smith from ADVO Group Ltd.
Scullion told the conference: "AMII has taken huge strides forward under the tenure of Wayne Pontin as chair.
"The constitutional changes which enabled corporate members to join AMII reflect our desire to position AMII as a central focus for commentary on health and wellbeing issues across the industry.
"The health and wellbeing landscape is changing. We are determined to uphold a code of ethics and conduct, showing our ability to self-regulate in the interests of the consumer.
"We aim to promote consumer confidence in the health and wellbeing sector, by raising professional standards and through the demonstration of the value of independent advice".