Now Health International has announced premium and benefit changes to its policies.
Demand for private health insurance in Asia has never been greater according to Andrew Apps, a director at international health insurer ALC Health.
Bupa's international private medical insurance (IPMI) business has been awarded CII-accredited status for its online broker training portal, the Bupa Academy.
Expatriate workers looking to have children should be aware of the high cost of private maternity care and childbirth overseas, an insurer has urged.
Employers are not reviewing their international benefits often enough with 42% saying they have never reviewed their benefits or did so over a year ago, research finds.
Jelf International has launched a guide to Sierra Leone highlighting issues that employers should be aware of with employee provision in the region.
A.M. Best has upgraded Interglobal's financial strength rating to A- (Excellent) from B++ (Good) and issuer credit rating to "a-" from "bbb+" followings its recent acquisition by Aetna.
ALC Health, the international private medical insurance (IPMI) provider, has boosted benefits within its wellbeing, routine management of chronic conditions and routine pregnancy and childbirth product range.
Towers Watson has launched a simplified global benefit solution allowing employers to deliver local benefit packages including life, accident, health and disability.
Many expats who leave the UK to work abroad assume they will qualify for emergency NHS treatment which is not the case, Medicare International has warned.