Advisory businesses will see a marked reduction in the amount they contribute to the Money Advice Service (MAS) in 2013/14 if proposed changes to the way it is funded are approved.
Providers including banks and insurance companies may be forced to part-fund compensation costs sparked by the failure of intermediaries, after the Financial Services Authority (FSA) re-drafted proposals on funding the Financial Services Compensation...
Members of parliament are due to vote on Tuesday on controversial government plans to place a 1% cap on annual rises in some benefits and tax credits for three years.
SIFA, a body aimed at promoting collaboration between solicitors and independent financial advisers, has clarified its membership eligibility rules to reflect changes to the definition of IFA.
The Financial Services Bill, which will deliver fundamental reform of financial regulation in the UK, has received Royal Assent.
The Association of Professional Financial Advisers (APFA) has called into question the amount of money spent each year by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) on recoveries.
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) "should and could" have intervened in the Royal Bank of Scotland's (RBS's) ill-fated acquisition of ABN Amro, a damning report by the Treasury Committee concludes.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will likely "go further" than the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in challenging providers on their products' target markets and charges.
An incoming regulatory body responsible for insurance companies will allow firms to collapse under a new approach.