The new NHS focus on patient outcomes will specifically target getting those suffering long term conditions or mental illness back into work.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has published guidelines for individuals and healthcare professionals regarding patients about to return to work.
People should collect Employment Support allowance (ESA) after a Work Capability Assessment (WCA) the Sickness Absence Review has concluded.
The Government should set up an Independent Assessment Service (IAS) to sign people sick off work, the Sickness Absence review has concluded.
Tax relief should be applied to private medical insurance (PMI) provided by employers for basic tax rate paying staff, the Sickness Absence Review has recommended.
Leaving work due to illness and injury is as damaging as becoming unemployed, and can damage spouses income too, according to new research.
The sickness absence review is expected to call for a government funded panel to judge people's ability to work, taking the responsibility away from doctors.