Too often overlooked in times of low inflation, Vitality's Justin Taurog argues the time is now right for advisers to talk about Indexation, to safeguard their clients' future protection needs.
Some 90% of protection advisers agree that client retention is a key focus for their businesses with just under a quarter (23%) citing it as "their biggest business challenge."
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has today published its finalised guidance providing firms with actions to treat their closed-book customers fairly.
Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron has urged the government to reconsider rising insurance premium tax (IPT) to 12%.
UK insurers are calling for regulators to refine Solvency II to make it more appropriate for the UK market, rather than replace it when the UK leaves the EU.
Alan Knowles questions whether the consolidation of major protection insurers last year represents a win or a loss for advisers and the overall market.
Torquil McLusky explains the importance of understanding statistics properly, and using the information gleened responsibly
Three advisers have their say …
Won presidency over Hillary Clinton
Could benefit oil and gold