Desire for workplace mental wellbeing support
Follows appointment of Andy Peters
Insurance industry 'upbeat'
Survey of 1000 adults
Fiona Murphy discusses how the shock increase to insurance premium tax contained in the Summer Budget will affect private medical insurance policies
Business volumes grew between March and May 2015, while overall profitability of business rose sharply for life insurers, a Confederation of British Industry(CBI)/PwC survey has found.
The insurance industry is the least popular financial services industry to work in for women from the millennial generation, a survey by PwC has found.
The Budget's lack of detail on what the Diverted Profits Tax means for the reinsurance industry by Colin Graham UK insurance tax leader at PwC.
‘Over-regulation' is seen as the key threat to insurer growth prospects by 91% of insurance CEOS surveyed for PWC.
For the fifth consecutive quarter optimism improved among life insurers, amid a rise in profitability and business volumes, research has found.