With £28bn coming off fixed rates before the end of the year, First Complete and Pink are urging brokers to check their back books and make sure consumers understand their remortgaging options before the end of the year.
Pink Network is running another series of roadshows across the country to help its brokers grow their businesses in 2016.
Pink Network has launched a series of business conferences for its appointed representatives (ARs).
Pink Network has announced that Mark Graves will be leaving his role as director of Pink network after an agreed handover period.
Mortgage and insurance distribution company Pink has raised £8,000 for the Seven Families project.
Pink will now ask advisers wishing to join the network to provide either proof of their own income protection (IP) policy or their reasons for not having any.
LV= has warned that the highest number of house-buyers in seven years means that many people will be depleting their savings and may be in need of income protection.
Does the Mortgage Market Review (MMR) and subsequent change in the mortgage market present opportunities for protection advisers?