The Health Select Committee has called for social care at the end of life to be made free to avoid people dying in hospital.
Symponia has described the UK-wide under-funding of homecare services for older people as ‘shameful' following the launch of a major report into the sector.
Advice about long term care (LTC) needs is expected by 27% of consumers to be covered as part of the Pension Wise service, research for Partnership found.
Zurich has published a new guide to help people put their financial affairs in order should they or a loved one become mentally incapacitated.
The social care needs of cancer patients are not being met with 11% of patients left constantly or often housebound due to a lack of support, a report for Macmillan has found.
Bupa has chosen Age UK as its partner charity for the next two years, with the aim of raising £1m for the charity.
Industry figures believe that later life protection products will help grow the market, a new poll by The Protection Review has found.
Richard Bowden, managing director of Bupa UK has written an essay calling for the integration of health and social care.
Dementia is a growing problem in the UK. Margaret Kirby explains why advisers and insurers should pay closer attention to the Mental Capacity Act.
Buying an insurance product to fund one's own care in old age is almost twice as popular as taking out an insurance product for relatives' care needs, research for The Syndicate has found.