Partnership has launched a new guide for advisers who are considering operating in the long-term care market.
Westfield Health has invested in 3rings - the elderly care tech start-up showcased by serial entrepreneur Steve Purdham on Dragons' Den.
My Care Consultant (MCC), a specialist advisory for long-term care funding has launched this week, to help IFAs secure new business and provide advice to consumers.
The NHS currently ‘wastes' £3.3bn keeping elderly patients in hospital when the money would be better spent on a Fast Track Discharge Fund to move them into care homes, a report has urged.
Council tax rises to pay for social care in 2016/17 will not alleviate growing pressures on the services caring for the elderly and disabled, the Local Government Association (LGA) has warned.
Consulting firm Mercer has acquired The Positive Ageing Company for an undisclosed sum.
The proposed merger between Just Retirement and Partnership has been put on hold subject to meeting Solvency II requirements and is expected in January.
Partnership is planning to launch a medically underwritten immediate needs annuity in the US.
Seven Families will hold a social media based action day on 29 October 2015, to raise awareness of the financial impact of long term ill health.
The health and social care system is under severe stress, due to a lack of high quality social care which saps the resilience of NHS services and patients, Age UK has warned in a new report.