The Labour party is considering a regional benefits cap alongside its possible cap on the basic state pension, shadow chancellor Ed Balls has announced.
Labour has proposed a long-term care funding strategy whereby everybody will pay a compulsory charge, rather than just those needing care.
Leading politicians have been silent about mental health for far too long, Labour leader Ed Miliband said today.
Dozens of soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan without taking out life insurance while thousands more have served active duty without cover, it has been revealed.
The chair of the All Party Parliamentary Insurance and Financial Services Committee has described Labour proposals to re-mutualise Northern Rock as "crazy".
The 2010 Labour Election Manifesto, published today, has revealed plans aimed at preventing homes being sold to pay residential care bills.
As a general election gets closer, parties are fighting to be ‘protector of the NHS'. Jill Davies explores the possibility of NHS spending cuts and how health cash plans might change as a result
For thousands of employees with Retail Price Index (RPI) linked salaries, the economic downturn will cost them dearly. Sue Weir looks at how the effect of what for many will mean a pay freeze could be softened