Patients with diabetes are less likely to receive the care and treatments recommended for their condition if they are of working age, Diabetes UK has found.
The NHS has announced the drugs which are being removed from the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF) along with the planned increases in the fund's budget.
NHS England has announced new measures to improve cancer survival rates at diagnosis and treatment stages.
Private healthcare group Circle has announced it is in talks to withdraw from its contract with Hinchingbrooke, the UK's first privately run hospital.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has revealed there are 1,200 GP surgeries in the lowest two categories meaning patients could be at "risk" or "elevated risk" on 38 indicators.
The Health Select Committee has launched its latest inquiry into End of Life Care.
Multinational pooling is proving profitable for global companies with average returns of 6.1%, research by Towers Watson has found.
Spire Healthcare Group and Bupa UK have announced a renewed long-term agreement for six years from April 2015.
The first five years of retirement is a time of worsening health for 32% of retirees with 9% contracting a serious illness; according to research.
The potential cost of employee mental health problems to businesses has been highlighted in two separate pieces of research from two insurers.