Health Shield has announced that it will absorb the impact of the increase in the insurance premium tax (IPT) for members until the end of 2016.
Two think tanks have called for the NHS to have a transformation fund, at a cost of £9.4bn to help it improve efficiency and develop new models of care.
The government's plans to cap care costs will be delayed until 2020, the government has revealed.
Social care budget reductions could lead to rising levels of unmet need a white paper from the International Longevity Centre-UK's Centre for Later Life funding has warned.
The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) must use lessons from its recent welfare reforms to improve how it handles change, the National Audit Office (NAO) has said in a report.
Liberal Democrat MP Steve Webb, who has served as pensions minister for the last five years, has lost his parliamentary seat.
The scrapping of the approved persons regime, (APR), will be considered by the government's Fair and Effective Markets Review, it has been announced
The Financial Inclusion Commission (FIC) has called for a minister for financial health to lead on financial inclusion and capability.
Employees have three months to return to work under the new Fit for Work (FfW) service or they will be discharged from the programme, the government has announced.
The new bereavement support payment (BSP) will be be tax-free with a higher immediate payment, the draft Finance Bill clauses released by parliament have revealed.