Fraudulent leads and why they matter
He's married someone 23 years younger
A mother and her son have been charged today with fraud after they allegedly conspired to fake the mother's death in Zanzibar to claim £140,000 worth of life insurance.
An insurance agent who sold fictitious life insurance policies to pocket thousands in commission payments has been handed a 12 month suspended sentence.
The Health Insurance Counter Fraud Group has revealed two recent cases demonstrating the progress of cooperative work across the health insurance and dental industry to combat fraud.
In a landmark ruling the High Court in London has ordered a fraudster to repay more than £19,000 to Cirencester Friendly after falsely obtaining an income protection policy from the company and involving the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) for compensation....
The Insurance Act 2015, which modernises rules governing the industry has received Royal Assent.
The increasing success of international private medical insurance is being matched by a rise in fraudsters targeting the market. Andrew Apps outlines the problem