‘Sick pay’ offering available to large employers
Group life, critical illness and income protection business bought from Munich Re
Ellipse has launched a 'benefits benchmark' tool aimed at advisers who would like to measure the extent of their corporate clients' employee benefits against those of their competitors.
Some 1 in 7 employees had been absent for four weeks or more in the previous 12 months, according to research from Ellipse.
Ellipse and employee benefit consultants Johnson Fleming are targeting auto-enrolment clients with the launch of a digital group risk quotation system.
Ellipse is to launch a new workplace absence and disability insurance product in mid-October specifically for companies with up to 300 employees.
As the number of people with group income protection rises, Thomas Smith looks at how the industry is faring.
Over three-quarters (77%) of financial advisers have used LinkedIn in a professional capacity, according to a survey carried out by Ellipse.