Cigna has reached a deal to buy protection and travel insurance provider FirstAssist with the aim of growing its UK presence.
Cigna has become the first UK insurer offering occupational health services to gain the Safe Effective Quality Occupational Health Services (SEQOHS) accreditation.
Employers have woken up to the importance of improving benefits provision for their employees to maintain staff morale, research has found.
While over 93% of respondents rated their dental health as important, nearly 1 in 3 have had to cancel or delay dental treatment due to cost.
Cigna has produced two new online mental health guides to help employers limit the impact of these conditions in the workplace.
For those considering the sector, Andy Couchman rounds up the main themes impacting IPMI over the past year and the one to come
CIGNA HealthCare is uplifting the reimbursement limits on its dental plans from the 1st of April 2010.