ILAG takes over The Virtual Network

Peter Le Beau to hand over the reigns

Jaskeet Briah
clock • 1 min read

Trade association the Investment & Life Assurance Group (ILAG) has announced that it will take over discussion and debate for discussion forum The Virtual Network.

Founded in 2001 as a physical conference by life and health insurance consultant Peter Le Beau, The Virtual Network has become a fortnightly virtual open-forum meeting. Le Beau will hand over the reigns of the network over to ILAG on 1 July to continue discussions and debates in the life and health insurance industry. Le Beau commented: "I am delighted that an organisation of the standing and quality of ILAG wants to continue The Virtual Network. It is an important discussion forum, and, in their hands, it can continue to focus on a range of issues in an informal, but highly effective...

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