IPAW: A call to action on income protection from the IPTF

Day five of Income Protection Awareness Week

John Brazier
clock • 3 min read

The fifth and final day of the IPTF’s Income Protection Awareness Week (IPAW) reviewed the week’s content, publicised industry pledges and included the IPTF’s recommendations for how to make a difference on IP now.

The fifth and final day of the IPTF's Income Protection Awareness Week reviewed the week's content, publicised industry pledges and included the IPTF's recommendations for how to make a difference on IP now. The inaugural Income Protection Awareness Week (IPAW) has come to a close and the IPTF co-chairs took the opportunity to look back on the how the week's discourse unfolded. Describing it was the "shortest but arguably most important session of the week," Jo Miller reviewed Tuesday's sessions which explored the need to reframe the mortgage protection conversation to include IP, Kat...

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