Aviva launches Covid-19 income protection rehab support

Available to those diagnosed with or suspected of having virus

Adam Saville
clock • 2 min read

Rehab service to support income protection claimants suffering from long-term ill health due to Covid-19

Aviva has put in place a vocational case manager service to support customers who are dealing with the long-term health impact of the novel virus, or if they are suffering physical or mental health conditions exacerbated by lockdown. The ongoing side-effects from Covid-19 are being monitored by its claims team, Aviva said, and these can consist of fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain and loss of taste or smell. According to a survey of almost 2000 UK doctors carried out by the British Medical Association (closed 9 July), 30% of doctors had seen patients with symptoms that they bel...

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