Brits increasingly exposed to 'sick pay gap'

As SSP value falls

Adam Saville
clock • 1 min read

Average gap between earnings and statutory sick pay has increased by over £375 per month, survey shows

Since 2016, statutory sick pay (SSP) has risen by just £25.14, from £383.28 to £408.42 per month, which is behind inflation. This means the average worker relying on state benefits would be left with a shortfall of over £1,540 each month, compared with a monthly shortfall of £1,164 in 2016, research by Cirencester Friendly has suggested. This pay gap is compounded by reduced contractual sick pay which has fallen dramatically from an average of 15.7 weeks in 2016 to under 4.5 weeks this year. According to a survey of 2000-plus workers in the UK, 25% of UK workers have no savings at ...

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