Snooze, you lose! Report reveals 'damage' of alarm to UK public

Only a third would ditch snooze button

Adam Saville
clock • 5 min read

Half of Brits are not getting a good night sleep, Refuse to Snooze research finds

A report by mental health and neuroscience expert Matt Janes and co-director of the Sleep Lab at Goldsmiths psychology department, Michael Banissy, has revealed that over half of Brits (51%) use an alarm to wake up in the morning - with 82% hitting ‘snooze' at least once. According to the survey of 2000 people, commissioned by eve sleep, only a third would ditch the snooze button if it was proven to be bad for their health. Medical research shows that getting less than seven hours of sleep impairs mental performance, reducing skills such as attention, general alertness and short-term ...

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