Updated: Q2 protection sales hit five year high

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Protection product sales in Q2 2017 rose by 4.9% on the previous quarter, reaching £147.1 million, the highest level in five years, according to analysis from Equifax Touchstone.

Mortgage term policies grew most during the quarter, up by 20.7% on Q1 to £26.2 million. This was followed by critical illness policies which experienced a 15.0% increase to £4.5 million. In addition, income protection, decreasing term with critical illness, and relevant life policies all performed positively, with sales increasing by 11.1%, 10.0% and 8.7% respectively. Term and term with critical illness policies saw minor decreases in sales of 1.7% and 1.1% respectively. The data is collated from 22 protection providers, with input from more than 11,000 advisers. John Drisc...

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