Short-stay admissions to care homes are few and far between in winter, despite the capacity to support hard-pressed hospitals during the season, a report has shown.
Financial advisers and the internet are the fastest growing avenues for those seeking long-term care funding advice, Partnership has reported.
A long-term care specialist adviser has reported a noticeable dip in enquiries following the government announcement of the care cap plans.
The care and support minister has launched online information profiles on care homes and services in an aim to support more effective choices and comparisons.
Care home providers need to be able to measure performance effectively, but are still in the dark in the ongoing absence of a government ratings system, Laing & Buisson has stated.
Selling property has become the most realistic source of funding for long-term care this year, overtaking the state and savings, Partnership has reported.
There is an urgent need to assess long term care in terms of the benefits it brings, rather than its costs, if funding allocation arguments in local councils are to be won, experts have said.
A long-term care specialist adviser has joined forces with a solicitors' office to launch a joint services brand.
The care and support bill will "almost certainly" include a compulsion to offer independent financial information and advice for long term care (LTC) needs, Partnership has said.
The majority of advisers have said paying for IHT Liabilities is the biggest concern among clients, ahead of funding care costs, leaving a legacy and covering funeral costs.