Promedica24, Europe's largest live in care provider, has found the idea of residential care is becoming less and less appealing with over two thirds (67%) considering a live in carer just so they don't have to go into a home.
Official statistics into the health and care of people aged 65 or over in England have found they over account for one in six of the population but one in two hospital bed days (54%).
Friends Life has urged for the Government to go further to address the current issue of long-term care provision despite changes announced in the Budget.
Britain is heading for a 'crisis' in long term care (LTC) as the subject becomes an increasingly important issue over the next five years, Scottish Widows fears.
The Care Act still holds uncertainties, particularly over what difference the cap on care fees will mean for self-funders, writes Andrew James, advice policy manager at Towry.
The government's eligibility for long-term care (LTC) is set too high and will exclude many elderly people who need support; charities have warned.
Bupa UK has emphasised the importance of patient centred care and the need to develop services meeting the needs of older people.
Centenarians are increasingly outliving causes of death from chronic diseases, according to new research.
A five-year commitment to transform health and long-term care (LTC) funding is urgently needed to avoid the care system ‘spiraling towards a deeper crisis', council leaders have warned.
The Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) has announced it is in target to accelerate adviser membership numbers and expand its organisation