Scottish Widows has paid £1.15bn in life and critical illness (CI) claims since January 2000 equating to over £2m each week.
It all began 25 years ago with the launch of the UK's first ever critical illness products by Abbey Life and Allied Dunbar. Scottish Provident's Jennifer Gilchrist looks back on a seminal moment in the history of protection...
Aviva paid almost 95% of critical illness (CI) claims and 99.6% of those resulting from death last year.
Scottish Provident has revealed it paid 90% of critical illness (CI) claims last year totaling £88m.
LV has overhauled its income protection (IP) and critical illness (CI) offerings, including extending coverage on both to age 70.
Defaqto believes the onus is on insurers to make the new ABI critical illness (CI) statement of best practice a success.
LV= has improved its claims paid figures for both critical illness (CI) and income protection (IP) during last year.
The ABI has published its latest update to the critical illness (CI) statement of best practice which it hopes will improve customer understanding of the product.
Zurich has revealed that less than 1% of its critical illness claims were declined for non-disclosure last year.
Advisers are at risk of further FSA action as miscommunication between AIFA and the ABI means many are not aware of critical illness (CI) sales guidelines released last year.